Image Credit: Shannon Tofts
Dorothy Hogg in the Edinburgh College of Art Workshop
Podcast launches 1 October 2023.
We’ve been hard at work behind the scenes over the last few months recording and editing a podcast series highlighting the impact and legacy of the late Dorothy Hogg MBE and her influential time at Edinburgh College of Art. We’ve interviewed alumni who studied Jewellery & Silversmithing under Dorothy at Edinburgh College of Art between 1989 and 2008, and these interviewees were selected by Dorothy herself alongside Curator Amanda Game. We look forward to sharing these fascinating and inspiring conversations with you in October.
The podcast is hosted by Ebba Goring and has been edited and produced by Eda Obermanns.
Click the images below to learn more about the episode participants and listen to each episode.
Curator Amanda Game, long-time friend and collaborator of Dorothy Hogg, reflects on Dorothy’s career and the development of the Tree Project below.
Dorothy Hogg was a designer, artist and maker of note, with her major works held in the collection of the V & A Museum; National Museums Scotland; Aberdeen Art Gallery and the Goldsmiths Company in London as well as many private collections. She was also a distinguished design educator, running the Department of Jewellery and Silversmithing at Edinburgh College of Art (1985-2008) which under her guidance gained international recognition for quality and innovation.
The Tree Project was originated by Dorothy in 2018 to focus attention on some very remarkable talents in the creative industries which were all fostered, originally, at Edinburgh. The aim was to raise good and important discussions on the future development of craft specialist design education and its impact on the careers and futures of individual talents. She was hoping the project would include:
Recorded interviews with selected graduates – ensuring that the interview questions were evolved with the interviewees;
An online resource developed from those interviews and made publicly accessible;
Potentially a physical exhibition or display;
A study discussion useful for educational establishments.
Following the loss of Dorothy in April 2022, I, together with many colleagues in the goldsmithing communities in Scotland, London and the wider UK have worked together to deliver her vision for the Tree Project.
The following have now been achieved:
A remarkable exhibition, The Life and Legacy of Dorothy Hogg is on show at Goldsmiths Hall, London curated by Dr. Frances Parton with a catalogue now available for purchase;
A fascinating Study Day for educational professionals within Higher Education and the Museum Sector was hosted by Peter Taylor and Charlotte Dew at the Goldsmiths Centre, London in June from which a paper is being circulated;
And now, here, the ever innovative Scottish Goldsmiths Trust, under the guidance of Ebba Goring, is publishing, with the help of two generous donors and many generous interviewees, these podcasts.
I can reflect, now, after an intense but fascinating two-year journey, with great pleasure that most of what Dorothy outlined has happened. And importantly, it has developed as with each element, those involved have brought their practical, and creative, capacities to bear to make the events, exhibitions and interviews, even more extraordinary than she might have imagined. As you listen to these wonderful podcasts I hope, like me, you will understand the importance of her Tree Project and also understand that this tree has very deep roots here in Scotland.
Amanda Game, Oxford, September 2023.
Amanda Game was for many years Director, Crafts at the Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh (1986-2007) and is now an independent curator and producer with a specialist interest in modern jewellery, silver and ceramics. She is a Liveryman of the Goldsmiths Company in London.
Dorothy Hogg MBE in her studio, 2008. Image by Shannon Tofts.